Welcome - ยินดีต้อนรับ

Hello all family and friends!

With great excitement, we started our adoption journey in August 2008. We are now first time parents through adoption of an 8-year-old son from Thailand. We have chosen to build our family through the adoption of a son from Thailand because this is where we feel God is leading us right now.

It took 1 year and 9 months to bring Ray home and it was totally worth it!

We appreciate all of your love and support. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Ann & Bryan

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Love Across the Oceans

It's hard to believe that it is Valentine's Day weekend already.  Months ago we thought "maybe" we'd have our paperwork in order and getting ready for travel at this point.  Unfortunately, that is not the case.  We wait.  We are getting frustrated since the time lines keep getting extended. At first we were told 1-2 months from I-800 to travel, then 2-4 months, and now WACAP states 3-7 months. Yikes! And here we are still waiting for the TWIMC letter.

For some reason, we thought that adopting an older 'special needs' child would make the process SO much faster and it really has NOT. When we started this whole thing in Aug. 2008 our son was a 6-year-old and now he's an 8-year-old and will be 9 this November. There's a LOT of change for a child in those years and we've missed them all sitting here without any control over the process. Very frustrating and emotional all around.

But then last week we finally got confirmation from the orphanage that Ray did receive the Christmas gift we sent him and really liked it.  And this week we got a message from the orphanage through our agency stating that they will be sending your "To Whom" letter soon. “Soon” is a notoriously ambiguous term from Thailand - it could mean a week or months. But it is encouraging to hear that it is on the horizon and indeed coming our way - I hope it is in fact very soon!

So it feels like a happy holiday weekend even if we just received "a little bone to chew on" related to our adoption of our beloved son...who seems so far away right now.


Kam said...

We pray for Ray as a family and know that you are just so frustrated with this wait. We will trust God to protect his heart and to mend yours as you continue to wait.

love and hugs~

chaniemom said...

I can SO relate to your feelings! We didn't get our TWIMC letter officially matching us until Sept. 2008. Bangkok had received all of our paperwork early July 2007. In Nov. 2008 we got the call of when we could travel. December 2008 we traveled almost two years to the date of when we had first applied to adopt Penny. Two years is a lot to miss. Now her English is good enough that we can talk a lot about those two years and what we both missed out on. We're trying to make up for lost time. We missed out on the first 13 years of her life. It is okay to grieve your losses.

Why are we adopting internationally and not domestically?
While we think adopting domestically is extremely important, our hearts are drawn to the waiting children in other countries. Some of our closest friends and relatives have adopted, are adopted themselves, or are planning to adopt internationally. This has been a wonderful experience for them, as I am confident our adoption will be for us.

Why are we adopting from Thailand?
The number one reason is simply...that's where our son is living right now. Also, the Thai people are extremely laid back and friendly and the adoption process is very straight forward in Thailand and has been around for decades so there should be no surprises or corruption. After researching our other options, the requirements to adopt from Thailand fit our requirements. If we decide to adopt again, we will reevaluate the different countries and domestic programs.